The End of Surveillance Commerce – you can only get so big before you get stuck under a bridge

In 2023, brands that put in place user-level control of marketing data will reduce customer churn by 40% and increase lifetime value by 25%. — Gartner predicted in 2019.

“Regulatory changes and consumer privacy concerns are reshaping how companies collect, use and approach data-driven marketing. Data collection regulations in the EU (GDPR), Brazil (LGPD), India, Japan and California force businesses to be transparent about the data they gather and enable customers to manage and edit that data.”

Standards still matter.

Be the bridge. Support standards that respect and put humans first.

About Janice K. Mandel

I'm a storyteller engaged in the evolving voice tech community. Early adopter experience in New York City included: Sr. Editor, EIC/Intelligence, the first online, commercial database (1980s); Communications/Voice of, like Zillow but in 1999; and Reach networks -- like Mosaic, only four years sooner. I've recruited speakers for VOICE Summit ( and contributed regularly to its "flashbriefing" on Alexa leading up to the event.
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